Are you motivated today?
Reflecting on motivation as an indicator of having fulfilling work

One of my goals for 2020 is finding fulfilling work and making sure that work continues to be interesting, so that I don’t get bored with it. If I’m getting bored, I need to move on. I read this quote earlier this week, thanks to Readwise, and it made me re-evaluate what it means to have fulfilling work.

It’s always hard for me to know when I’m bored at work, when I need to move on to another project or a new activity. I usually spend a lot of time in a bored state because there’s still plenty to do or to learn from the projects I work on. They’re still really interesting projects, but for some reason every day feels like meh. It just stops being interesting. So, when I saw this quote, instead of trying to figure out if I was bored, I asked myself if I was motivated. Am I motivated to work today? Am I excited to work on the tasks at hand? If not, then why?
Then the next step in my self-reflection process will be to recognize that if I’m asking myself these questions, it’s probably time to work on something new.